Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or discouraged for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. — Joshua 1:9

I like to write. I doodle all the time. I like quotes. I love Jesus. I always think of how I can put all these things together and share with others. I have definitely become more confident over the years, but putting my thoughts “out there” for others to read is still scary! Jesus says, “Be fearless…” That’s easier said than done though, right?!

You know what though? Stepping out into something that will honor God and possibly introduce someone to him for the first time shouldn’t be scary. It should be exciting! What an honor! So, I decided to do just that with this blog. Be strong, brave and courageous because I know I am never alone.

Do not conform to the world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind. — Romans 12:2

This verse is saying that we are not to act like the rest of the world acts. We need to change our mindset from what we might be doing that just fits in with everything and everyone else to a mindset that follows God’s plan for our life. He wants so much more for us than just average. Again…easier said than done, but if you make that your prayer, God will help you change your way of thinking.

“You are definitely not typical.” I’ve heard that over the years. That and things like, “You’re just not like anyone else I know” and “You’re too nice for me.” What?! I think that one confused me the most! Why would someone say that to me? I just couldn’t understand! Fast forward quite a few years…why would those comments upset me? Those are nice things!

Yes, those are nice comments. I realize that now. Why would you want to be typical or just like everyone else? What a compliment to have those things said of you. I love the quote by PT Barnum…“No one ever made a difference by being like everyone else.” Why try to fit in when you were born to stand out? If someone was going to describe you to another person, what would they say? What qualities do you have that set you apart from the crowd?

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord; “plans to prosper you and not harm you; plans to give you hope and a future.” — Jeremiah 29:11

We are called to be Christlike. That takes work–it doesn’t come naturally or easily since we are all sinners. We must intentionally pray and ask God to show you the right path to take or the right decision to make. Anyone can make a difference, but as Christians, we should strive to make a positive difference. Don’t try to be like the world. How boring would that be if everyone was exactly alike?

I remember back in high school when my small-town basketball team drove to Austin to watch a college game at the Frank Erwin Center. We stopped by Barton Creek Mall after the game and in one of the stores, I saw this t-shirt that I liked. I didn’t really know why I liked it, but something about it caught my attention. It was a turquoise shirt with swimming fish and a sentence on the back (I’m sure it was a scripture, but I didn’t pay attention to it at that time). All the fish were swimming to the left except this one orange one. It was swimming to the right. I didn’t buy it, but I have always thought about that shirt. Now I understand what it meant. Do not conform to the world. Think differently. Think as God would want you to think. Don’t be typical.


6 thoughts on “You’re Just Not Typical”

  1. Who are you!!? You blow me away with your walk with God. I know you have walked in His steps for many years, but to read your words guiding others to do the same makes me so proud. Keep up the good work.

    1. I think writing is helping me to keep these thoughts fresh in my mind, too! Hopefully someone else will benefit from these words.

  2. Because of human nature many of the people who recognize that you are “not typical” never take the time to ponder just what it is that makes you uniquely yourself. Sadly they miss out because they won’t know who you truly are. A term used in Matthew 13:45-46 is “a pearl of great price (value)”….I think that can be used to describe you. And, I believe your blog posts show what a special woman you are! Looking forward to future posts.

    1. I hope these words might help someone else understand that not being typical is a huge compliment! You may feel left out or think something is wrong with you by being thought of as “different”, but as long as you are patterning your life after Jesus, you will never be just typical! You’ll be a “pearl”!

  3. I simply love this… and what a great disciple you are. I pray your words will bring others closer to the Lord my friend! I have always thought you were a remarkable person!

    1. Thank you, friend! That’s my prayer, too. I am enjoying writing again and I hope what I write means something to someone!

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