* Is there anything as wonderful as a sunrise? Well, actually yes…a sunset. Talk about God’s faithfulness. He blesses us first thing in the morning and bookends the day with yet another beautiful blessing. He does this for us every single day without fail. These paintings in the sky are beautiful reminders that we are on God’s mind all day, every day.

Confession…I’m not really a morning person. It’s not that I sleep late and need my coffee in order to carry on a conversation. I would just rather wake up at my own pace and start my day quietly. One winter morning, which just so happened to be my birthday, I looked out the kitchen window and was in complete awe of the sky. The only sunrise view I have is right between the two houses behind me, but what a view it was that morning. It was like an amazingly beautiful, framed painting and God was saying Happy Birthday…I made you something! What an amazing gift!

Last summer, my husband and I went on a special cruise with my parents. I previously said that I’m not exactly a morning person, however, cruise mornings are different. One of the ports was Nassau, Bahamas. I saw this lighthouse in the distance and couldn’t stop looking at it as we drifted closer. The sun had already risen and was hidden behind the clouds, but the way it was still shining over the water made me feel like something special was ahead of me. We were cruising slowly around this piece of land and I had a wonderful view of the lighthouse. All the sudden, the sun found a break in the clouds and we were perfectly in line with the lighthouse. I took a few quick pictures and this one turned out to be my favorite. Again…look at what God did! His timing was perfect.

I used to live out in the country where I had a beautiful, clear view of the sunset. I found myself going out to my front porch every evening just to stare at the horizon. Back then, I knew it was a pretty sight, but I don’t know that I fully appreciated just how beautiful and meaningful it was at the time. Now, living in a neighborhood, I don’t get that amazing view just outside my door. I have to make a point to see it. Fortunately, God has made his creation available anywhere I go. I just have to make a point and take the time to appreciate it. And that I do.

A sunset over the water is absolutely beautiful. Once it starts, it happens so quickly and you think it’s over, but then the real show begins. The sky goes from orange to pink to purple and brown and then all the sudden the colors take over the entire horizon. In addition to the colors, I love when a tree on the land or a boat on the water or something else special comes between you and the sunset and it becomes just a silhouette against the colorful horizon. Before you know it, it’s dark. Another day has come and gone and it’s time to rest.
I think God made sunsets so beautiful because you can’t help but notice them. I can’t look away from those colors. I think it’s one of God’s ways of slowing us down and giving us a chance to appreciate all that the day had to offer. Just think, this gift is only a tiny glimpse into what God has waiting for us in heaven.

Great writing! Your words paint as pretty a picture as your photos. Keep going!!
Thank you! I’m so happy you enjoyed reading and that I have the opportunity to share with you!
This brought to mind times past when my hubby and I would celebrate New Year’s Day by taking our thermos of coffee (and maybe some donuts) and drive somewhere in order to watch the first sunrise of the new year. Sometimes the weather kept us home. Sometimes the sunrise was just “ordinary”. Sometimes we were blessed with a glorious display of God’s handiwork! Sometimes we lived in an area where we could watch from the comfort of our own home. Thanks for the memory!